Thank you everyone for your comments. I only work out of my house so I have the joy of being able to knit a lot! I'm very addicted to loom knitting and YARN!! LOL~~ For some reason when people comment I'm unable to e-mail you back! Skye had a question and I tried to get to you. Please if you have a question feel free to e-mail me anytime at
This way I can answer you fully! I'm not computer savvy at times. I will be posting finished projects hopefully this week. Should be 3 things. I'm very excited about all the yarn I have and feel completely blessed. My husband is wonderful. I feel guilty at times that he lets me spend so much money on my crafting but, he reminds me often on how many years we had to penny pinch and use my birthday money on bills just to make it. So he says it is time for me to get the things I want and love. He knows I will use every bit of it and is excited when I show him the finished projects. I have a wonderful husband to say the least. We are blessed to be our own bosses and still be able to help others! I've run support groups for people with Chrinic Illnesses online and local as I have several medical challenges. So helping others is very important to us as I've felt how it is to feel alone and struggle with feeling like crap and nobody understanding. I don't want anyone to feel that way. So we are truely blessed as I myself have been on many herbal products that didn't work and flushed money down the drain basically when we really didn't have it. Now that is different because the herbs I'm on is helping me!! When I started to notice differences I started to cry. It was like finally something actually will help me! I HATE prescription drugs because of the side effects and how they make me feel. That is me. I do take some because of 80% of my spine is messed up and large amounts of pain. I don't like it but, I know someday I will be able to get off of them. THinking possitive for me is HUGE. It makes me feel better and I fully believe that negitive thoughts will just bring you down. I do think bad thoughts at times but, come to my sences and turn it into a positive thing. It is hard at first to make yourself do this but, it does help. If you haven't watched the movies THE SECRET and the 2nd part to it PASS IT ON then your totally missing out! I do have copies of PASS IT ON for sale if your interested. I hope by me posting my treasures is not making someone feel bad. I fully am not meaning to do this! I just get so excited and to share it with other yarn lovers is fun for me.
I plan to make some charity items for Phoenix Childrens Hospital. I think hats would be great but, want to do some animals and stuff that is fun and they can cuddle up with. We are going to bring our 2 horses for pony rides as soon as possible. Have to talk to someone at the hospital. We just bought a horse trailer last night and so we are almost set for traveling to WI in May!! It will be crowded on the way there as we are brining our 2 dogs and 2 cats along with the horses. We will be camping out at horse friendly places and sleep in the suburban with a bed in back. Then in Sept. when we get ready to come back we are buying a new truck that will be deseil and probably a Dodge 3500. Plus a Living Quarters horse trailer!! So we will be more confy then. We will trade our now suburban in. Might also do the trailer but, not sure as we may have someone bring it back for us. We know people that are truckers and so called hot shots which are people that drive 1 ton trucks or big trucks with car hauling trailers and that. So we might call on them.
Also on our way back we will spend quite a bit of time in New Mexico around the south western part (no SNOW) as we are looking at moving there and planning on buying 20 to 40 acres of land with hopefully a house already on it. We are excited as we have many plans with owning property like that. 1. is have more horses and a hobby farm so we can grow our own food and have our own meat. 2. run a theripy day camp with our horses for children and adults. 3. do a foster home. 4. there is so much to list! LOL
Just wanted to give you all an insite to my life. Thank you all for your friendship and comments. Please e-mail me if you ever have a question!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
My treasures in 2 days! Am I a yarnaholic??
this yarn is for our friends baby boy afghan/blanket. He is due May 15th!! Its a total surprise. I'm making a lot more then the blanket for them. If this yarn does well I will pick out more for my sisters baby unknown sex in June 23rd.
This is my Bamboo yarn! I got it at Cotton Fields in avondale, az yesterday! It is soooo soft.Not sure what I'm going to make but, thought of Karens Gloves!!

This is going to be my shawl. I want a lacy type one! Figured I'd make sure I get enough so I bought 5. Also from Cotton Fields, Az

This is Hubby's alpaca he picked out. Unknown on item he wants from it. bought at Avondale Cotton Fields. This is Walmart's peaches and cream yarn I picked up just because I'm going to do lots of dishcloths and hand towels. So needed more! LOL ~~ Shot of double stocked basically update picture of this area! LOL~~

I will make 1 pair of booties for my friends baby and sisters baby out of this and the no scratch mits. The purple and Blue is Alpaca yarn and this is MINE!! LOL~~ Might be Karen's Gloves also or who knows what! It was on sale and got this and the Puffin at Bonnies Yarn in Care Free, Az

Got this at Jo Ann's and it was on sale at $7.99 so I picked it up. 1 day to soon I guess for the peaches and cream 5/$10 and is what I really wanted! Oh well. It will be a grocery bag as Az is trying to be baggless! I LOVE These Large 850 yard skiens at Jo Ann's and HAD to pick up some more. I have a lot of this in different colors but, have plans in my mind for them:-)

Here we go on Smiley's Yarn! Got my shippment that hubby was oh so kind to toss his card at me. The Wool was on sale for .99 a skien! Only for limited time. Missed out on some colors but, still happy. I got 6 of each color:-) Plan to make purses out of it or a afghan.

Bonnie's Yarn again! LOL~~ On sale 40% off and got it because I loved the colors. Scarf maybe? Or... who knows. Sox yarn is DH buy as he says he gets to pick out something from the LYS he takes me to to have me make him. LOL~~ I agreed because he's being soooooo wonderful in spoiling me rotton. We have never been able to spend money like this until we joined a health and wellness business and now the sky is the limit! We are very very greatful and are planning to look at land in NM in Sept on our way back from WI and may buy! We want 20+ acres! So we may be moving!!! We are very excited about our future now and want to help others like our mentor has helped us. So if your interested in a bit more money and feeling wonderful with awsome all natural products drop me and e-mail!

Smilies Again! I'm making hubby and I a pair of Isela's Plushy Socks with Polorspun. I'm hoping they will be just as nice. Can't find the Yarn Isela used! More Smilies on the Patons Cha Cha. I have lots of different things to choose from for this yarn and VERY excited. This yarn is soooo soft and I just LOVE it!!

Sock yarn from Smilies. The more tealish one is for me and the other 2 are for hubby as he has size 14 feet and mine are 7 1/2. I'm making my 3 yr. old niece a purse with the Moda-Dea Dream purple yarn. I have 2 skeins already bought from before. I guess this is it! Except I know I'm missing 2 other skiens from Jo Ann's of the 850 yard skiens. Guess I'll post them once a project is done with them! LOL Hope you enjoy and I will be having LOTS of FUN!!!! Oh I finally found a stitch counter! Now I don't have to write down slash marks and can just click it!

This is going to be my shawl. I want a lacy type one! Figured I'd make sure I get enough so I bought 5. Also from Cotton Fields, Az
This is Hubby's alpaca he picked out. Unknown on item he wants from it. bought at Avondale Cotton Fields. This is Walmart's peaches and cream yarn I picked up just because I'm going to do lots of dishcloths and hand towels. So needed more! LOL ~~ Shot of double stocked basically update picture of this area! LOL~~
Here we go on Smiley's Yarn! Got my shippment that hubby was oh so kind to toss his card at me. The Wool was on sale for .99 a skien! Only for limited time. Missed out on some colors but, still happy. I got 6 of each color:-) Plan to make purses out of it or a afghan.
Smilies Again! I'm making hubby and I a pair of Isela's Plushy Socks with Polorspun. I'm hoping they will be just as nice. Can't find the Yarn Isela used! More Smilies on the Patons Cha Cha. I have lots of different things to choose from for this yarn and VERY excited. This yarn is soooo soft and I just LOVE it!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
update picture of yarn stash! LOL
The room is still a mess as hubby has yet to revamp parts of my room but, I took a couple quick pictures of my stash as the other ones are outdated! LOL~~ On the shelfs it is layerd 2 so yarn is behind the front skiens! I have more coming also from Smilies! Hubby let me order for a couple afghans I have planned and several other things. I also forgot to take pics of some skiens I bought at Jo Anns but, they are on my shelves. They already have projects dedicated to them. 1 baby blanket and teddy bears. Also hoping to make an afghan out of some for myself!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Dishcloth done!
Great pattern and done on DAlooms fg sock loom (adult). I'm looking forward to looming more dishcloths and have several plans for them like baby blankets. Karen's dishcloths are wonderful also and I plan to intertwin these two wonderful ladies patterns in the blanket. I'm looking forward to it! I like looming these on both the sm gauge looms and fg looms. Just depends on how big you want them!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
New yarn and pictures of some finished projects
New yarn that I got from a lady that was destashing. I got it for a steal and LOVE the yarn. I plan to make a shawl out of the yarn bee for myself. Probably the green. I also plan to do a baby blanket out of the pink yarn bee. So many projects already planned for the stash I just got and yarn that I already have. I have well over 130 skeins of Fun Fur and that doesn't even include the skeins that are mohair type or fun fur type. I want a really good shawl pattern however that is nice and warm but, not sure if the one I picked out is the right one. I plan to make it for my mother and my parents just called as they have arrived with their motorhome and are at the RV park! SO I think I might just ask her if she would like the one I spotted or if she would like something different. Its so hard to choose for her as I always try to make it perfect. One flaw that I have always struggled with is trying to do the right things.

This is the LuLU doll and I made it for my 3 yr. old niece! Next to it is a purse and I believe it is also from Brenda's site. If mistaken I am sorry!! I have so many patterns that I don't always remember to write down who's site it came from! Anyhow hope you enjoy. I have several things on several looms. He he ~~ I will post when they are done!

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