WoW What a day! There was a lot of firsts for our 2 girls but, they did great and we were proud parents! LOL~~ Here are some pictures we took of the parade. Some of the people and floats had to go right by us before we got to start walking. We figure we walked at least 2 miles which was great for dropping the extra unwanted weight but, I do feel it now that I'm resting. Hate having health issues but, as you can tell it didn't stop me from doing it!

Here is Painted Promice's new bundle of joy. She is already sold but, has to wait for a while to go to her new home. She is only 4 weeks old here! She walked the parade and was carried at times! LOL~~ She is resting now. This is Clamentine.

Here is hubby with the little one who wants to sleep! I got in on a picture with this sweet bundle of joy also.

This is a close up of Holly. She is Susan's miniature horse (painted Promice)

These two guys were very funny and we HAD to get a picture or two of them. Talk about a RV park of a lot of fun loving people!!

They started the parade off in style. All our armed men and woman. Plus had vets of all wars. It was extreemly nice to see.

Large Clidesdale! Beautiful horse and Dream and Abby LOVED seeing other horses and being with other horses. They all did great.

Here is my baby girl! She puts up with a lot for me! Its her first parade same with Abby. She has NEVER had decorations on her except for the cowboy hat and santa hat. However the things on her legs we had to take off her. Sensory overload! She was fine with them standing still but, freeked out when we started to walk. She was not having anything to do with it. So we took them off and then she was fine. We will introduce things like that slowely. She did still have the necklesses on and ended up wearing a fancy scarf also. You can see that in other pictures. She also had 3 red ribbons in her tail. She did really good!

Abby all dressed up. She let Nate (hubby) do this to her and she kept it all on with no problem! Guess it helps to be 9 yrs. old. Dream is only 4 yrs. old. Doesn't Abby look cute??!!

This is Susan. She's the owner along with her hubby of Painted Promice Ranch. She had momma and baby to walk!

Her is Ozzie (miniature horse, black) and Holly ( miniature Horse Brown)

Miniature Donkeys!!

Ozzie and Holly all dressed up and ready for closeups!

Awwwwwwww, Momma and Baby

Last pic of my baby girl dream.

Hope you enjoyed this! Please visit Painted Promice's blog which you can find on the right hand side for their blog. It will have more pictures on it and a better write up then I did. I'm very tired. May add more later otherwise enjoy the pictures!