I bought several patterns last night online. I think I did 4 or 5 dishcloth patterns from Stephanie who does awsome patterns. I'm also glad to be able to test knit 2 soon to be 3 patterns for her so you all can look at her site soon for them!
I also bought from Deneise who had her patterns on sale last night for $1 each! I bought each of them and of coarse already have her wonderful book!! Can't wait to knit them up!
Hubby found a Tuesday Morning in Prescott also and I walked out with lots there and added it to my collection.
This purpleish yarn I bought from the LYS. I am not sure what it will be but, its very soft and is great! Picked up another color also.
Here is tweed from Debbie Bliss's yarn line and I saw several patterns done with tweed so not to choose! LOL

Here is more from Tuesday Morning! They had the pink purple and black stuff on sale for $1.99 each! Thought it would make great scarfs for my niece. This Boa is in a package of 10 and was discounted from $33.00 to $7.99!!! I couldn't beat it and got both the packages they had there!

More yarn from Tuesday Morning and my mom thought the pattern of a scarf from ribbon yarn would look neat so this will probably be for her for Christmas. The thick black yarn is going to be my typing gloves!! Thought it would be perfect for the blue loom! Just hope I got enough but, I do have small hands!
Here is more from Tuesday Morning! They had the pink purple and black stuff on sale for $1.99 each! Thought it would make great scarfs for my niece. This Boa is in a package of 10 and was discounted from $33.00 to $7.99!!! I couldn't beat it and got both the packages they had there!
More yarn from Tuesday Morning and my mom thought the pattern of a scarf from ribbon yarn would look neat so this will probably be for her for Christmas. The thick black yarn is going to be my typing gloves!! Thought it would be perfect for the blue loom! Just hope I got enough but, I do have small hands!
Hope you enjoyed looking at all this! I have had the flu for a couple days so haven't had time to finish the projects that I wanted to but, do plan to have them on here soon! I'm finally not running to the rest room every 5 minutes! Not fun at all. Several family members (4 sets of aunts and uncles and 1 cousin) are here from WI and MN for a few days. They actually leave tomorrow and have been here almost a week. It has been nice but, some of them had gotten sick a couple days before coming and so they probably got me sick! Lucky I only missed a bit of time with them. We will see them again in May so it is ok. Our trip back to WI is exciting and we have a lot planned. It will be an interesting trip to say the least because all pets will be coming with us! So that is 2 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 horses. We will be buying a new truck and horse trailer with living quarters before we head back to AZ and it will be great and more room as we are going there in a surburban and horse trailer just room for our 2 girls in the trailer. We also plan to stop in NM and possibly buy land!!! Hoping for 20 to 40 acres with a house on it already but, if its just the land we will just move a house onto it. Anyhow looking forward to it. I will load more pics as I get them taken.
1 comment:
Wow, that's a lot of yarn. Have fun knitting!
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