I got to Meet Karen and we got to shop together at the festival also!! My husband came with and so did her's so it was a great meet up! We shoped while it rained outside which wasn't great but, was a nive fiber day anyhow. LOL~~ We plan to meet up more while I'm in the area.

Roving I got. My husband is going to learn how to spin!!! He is signed up for classes already and will be talking to other spinners and joining in some groups. He may even join Ravelry!! What a great hubby I have, Hey! Oh also he plans to get some alpacas, Llamas, sheep and so forth as time goes and then we can have our own fiber!! We are unsure of what we will start out with first but, will update as it happens. If it would have been nicer day Karen brought some of her Alpaca Fleece but, I didn't see it due to pooring rain. So next time we may go to their house and see the Alpaca's and the fleece then!!

I bought some felting needles! Plan to try these out soon.

600 Yards of Alpaca!!! I got another one like this but, can't find the picture. Got a different colorway tho. This is black and tan and the other is brown and white. BEAUTIFUL!! and soooo SOFT.

Roving. For some reason the picture I took is blurry and they are this way in all so for some reason it doesn't like the camera. It is soft and beautiful tho!!

This is Needle Felted animals. NON are done by me. They were shown at the show by Martin's Magical Menagerie. I do plan to learn how to do this tho as it is soooo neat!! They are very light also! Some of them were fairly large also! Like 7" or more!!
The needle felted animals are fantastic!
First off, I am soooo jealous that you got to meet Karen!
Ok, I am over it, now I am jealous about the fiber festival b/c it looked freakin' awesome!!!!!
It must have been a pain traveling with the animals (just thinking of the frequent stops, them getting restless and whiny, etc. I have two dogs that normally travel with us if we go somewhere and they can be a pain in the butt! Way worse than children...LOL!) That bunkhouse was so very nice. I didn't know what to expect when you said bunkhouse, but it wasn't that! :D And the girls do look very happy to be runnin' around in the corral. LOL!
So, whose pillow is the 'Cars' one? You know that Thade loves 'Cars'. Hahaha! I thought it was funny to see that one thrown in the mix.
OMG, the bunnies! I want one soooooooooooo bad now. I told Chris about the gray one with the black face first and was describing how you could hardly tell it was a bunny except for the t tiny little face peaking out then I was scrolling down, oooo-ing and ah-ing at the baby sheep and alpacas and then WAM! WHITE BUNNY WITH NO FACE! Oh, I laughed really hard at that! Thade thought it was hilarious! I had to show it to Chris, then! He says no to all the fiber animals. Alpacas? NO! Sheep? NO! Llamas? NO! A bunny then? A tiny little bunny....that gets a little bigger...BUT, you can use it as a pillow on the couch when we are growing its fur out?! NOOOO! He says we can't afford to feed any animals. He has a point. We now have 2 dogs and our 7 cats multiplied into 14 cats over the course of one weekend b/c 2 of my cats had kittens outside (4 for one Mommy and 3 for the Mommy of the previous Mommy!) And the other female cat appears pregnant as well. I just don't know if she will be smart enough to have the kittens on the porch where they will be protected or if she will run off somewhere where the kittens will get eaten. Do you want a kitten? LOL! I have to get rid of them. And I try my best not to fall in love with them....and I am starting to fall for at least one. :P
OK, enough rambling. I am gonna see if I can't calculate how to get a bunny......
You got some great pics. I didn't even think to get pictures other than the one I quick got of us together! It took me a day and a half to warm up after being out in the cold on Saturday! LOL! I will post about my adventure too soon. I need to digest a few events since I had a big weekend! It was very nice meeting you and your husband and look forward to meeting up again soon.
Wow! Looks like a really fun time...what great fibery goodness showcased there! :D
Thanks for sharing.
Lisa, your place is absolutely heaven. Loveit, love it.
Fone in dry, dry Melbourne, Australia
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