Prayer shawl loom
Baby Afgahn loom fg
Fashion scarf loom sg
Wonderloom fg
Infinity rake loom 60" reg
Infinity afgahn 80" extra small guage
Can't forget Isela's cable book that I re-bought due to it being not found in AZ when DH went to get more stuff so I figured I would just buy it again. Never hurts to have 2 right? LOL
Congrats on your new looms...I know I always feel the same way when I've got my DA Looms...although you hit the jackpot! Just be careful don't get overwhelmed by having the tools to do all those projects that you've been wanting to do....and try to do them all at once ;o) LOL just kidding. Have fun!
Cheese and RICE!!! **wipes drool off of chin... mmmmm Loomy goodness!
where can i buy the infinty 11 loom
they very heard to find. I live in Puerto Rico and not even in the internet can i find one. do you know i can by one and also pattern books or DVD,
Thank You
Just thought you might like to know the new home of Decor Accents is :)
Did you know they were out of business. i ordered in early February. Never received my loom. Each inquiry met with the standard automated response and then my last inquiry two weeks ago said product was either finished or shipped. No shipping info available. Never received it and today the site says "Store Closed" and doesnt open.
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